Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or are you taking your first steps in exploring the Catholic Faith? Wherever you are in your journey, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish welcomes you here.
Over a billion people call the Catholic Church home. We are a diverse collection of races and nationalities united together as one in Jesus Christ. Strengthened by the sacraments, the Word of God, and the ministry of the apostles' successors (the bishops), we strive to put the free gift of mercy and grace we have received from Christ into practice in our lives.
Christ calls each of us to a deeper relationship with both Him and His Church. This journey of discipleship begins at Baptism and continues throughout our lives. Becoming Catholic and living as a disciple in communion with the Church is not simply like joining a club or being an active member of a civic organization. Rather, it is an experience of sharing the very supernatural life of God in the midst of the human community.
For each of us, the path to accepting new life in Christ has been unique. For some, the path into the Church has been easy and for others, the road has seemed long, with many twists and turns. The reality, however, is that it does not matter what you have done or how far away from God you think you are. Christ welcomes you into His Church with open arms. His forgiveness is complete and His mercy lasts forever.The Church recognizes the importance of this journey of discipleship and strives to provide formation that is equal to the dignity of Christ’s call.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a series of communal prayer and preparation that culminates in the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil Mass for those who are unbaptized. Baptized Christians (including Catholics who have not received all of their Sacraments of Initiation) will receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation, and they will make a Profession of Faith.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic or exploring the Catholic Faith, please contact the pastor, or our parish office at (814) 663-3041 or CLICK HERE to go to the Contact Us page for email.