
Receive the Holy Spirit

Confirmation gives us a fuller and deeper gift of the Holy Spirit.  It takes the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us at baptism and enhances it, giving us more spiritual resources needed to live our adult lives in a holy and healthy way.  Confirmation is the Sacrament in which baptized persons receive a special grace which strengthens them for the profession of the Christian faith.  In the Latin Rite, Confirmation is usually conferred by the bishop, who lays hands on the recipients, making the Sign of the Cross with chrism on their foreheads, while he says "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."

In the Diocese of Erie, the sacrament of Confirmation is now received in the 9th grade (except for those in the process of RCIA).  The diocese requires two full years of religious education preparation classes before the reception of any sacrament.  In addition to two years of classes, students are also asked to complete service hours in order to be eligible to receive the sacrament.  Students must attend religious education classes through all of 8th grade and 9th grade to complete the two year preparation period. Opportunities for service hours are offered throughout the year. 

If you have any questions about Confirmation, please contact the pastor, deacon, or a member of the Faith Formation Team.